
This morning, the sun did not dare to extend its rays to me. Through the cracks in the wooden window frames came the breeze. I opened my eyes and stared at the stains on the wall for a few minutes. Silence. Calmness.

The sky was covered with clouds, that seemed about to burst into tears. The trees were whispering something with their leaves, probably warning of a thunderstorm. The birds hided from the wind and I can no longer hear them singing. Everything became dark and quiet. Silence. Calmness.

But is it silence? I hear the howl of the wind, the whisper of leaves, the rustle of branches and the rumble of thunder. I can hear everything. I opened the window wider and breathed in the freshness. I don't want the silence, I want to hear everything. This is the calmness.

june 19, 2023
